Brad Livingston

Motivational Safety Speaker

Brad Livingston, a Motivational Safety Speaker for over 20 years, has given his presentation over 1,000 times and still has the same passion he started with to prevent others from making the same type of mistakes he made. After being employed by a natural gas pipeline company for 10 years, Brad was involved in a potentially life-ending incident on the job that was 100% preventable. In his presentation you will hear words like complacency, shortcut, pride, perspective, and attitude. You will learn how each of these played a role in the actions that led to his injuries, and how those injuries have, and will, effect every day for the rest of his life! Brad and Bobbi, his wife of 47 years, now reside in Colorful Colorado, always ready to share the beautiful scenery with family and friends. Kayla Rath, Brad’s youngest daughter, was 9 years old when her father was injured on the job. For 3 months, as Brad fought for his life, the lives of his family were uprooted and devastated. You will hear from Kayla what it’s like to be pulled from school only to be told your father may not survive the night, and you’ll face the reality that the decisions you make on the work site don’t affect only yourself, but the ones you love most. Kayla lives with her husband, Eric, and their 5 children in Canyon, TX. She travels the country speaking about the impact of growing up with a handicapped father and how a decision made nearly 33 years ago still impacts her today.